For my research paper I focused on how the traditional print media is being forced to make its shift over to the internet and utilize new media technologies. I found that a surprisingly large share of traditional media companies are taking steps towards utilizing new technology in disseminating information. That being said, they are still years behind the first adopters of these technologies such as bloggers and wiki users. In my paper I go over the history of what led to this new media revolution, as well as the steps an organization can take to make sure it stays alive through the process. I also discuss the downfall of print media, the differences between print and online publications, and how several companies have gone completely digital by shutting down their print divisions.
This transition from print to digital is one that is closing in on us faster and faster, and new media is not only making all this possible, but it is also fueling the push towards abandoning print publications. I feel that this topic needs to be addressed in detail, and my paper provides the history, as well as the groundwork for the future of both print and new media.